EDWARD EVERS | Robot Workshop Resources • Future Ideas 

Edward Evers' Robot Workshop

Hoverboard Hoverboard: Levitation in mid-air using physics and technology. Makerbot Makerbot: Print your own 3D designs at home.
The DARPA Grand Challenge The DARPA Grand Challenge: Congratulations to the Stanford Racing Team and their $2 million victory in the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge. CubeSolver The JP Brown CubeSolver: It actually solves Rubik's 3x3x3 cube
RC Car Computer controlled R/C Car Project: Use your computer to control an R/C car Steve's LegWay and More Steve's LegWay and More: Versions of the Steve Hassenplug LegWay using standard light sensors.
SumoBots SumoBots: They fight! Big Trak Big Trak: Putting a better brain in the Big Trak
PalmTrak PalmTrak: New vehicle, new programming, same functions as the old BigTrak. Hero Hero Revival: Bringing the Hero back to life
Motor signal amplifier Motor signal amplifier: Simple home built circuit for motor signal amplification. Parallax GPS data logger Parallax GPS data logger: Simple GPS data
 EDWARD EVERS | Robot Workshop Resources • Future Ideas 

Modified 2011-11-02
Copyright © 2000-2011 Edward Evers